If you have a screenplay, book or idea for a TV show or movie that you would like to get made or would like a Hollywood agent or manager. Present your story ideas directly to those in Hollywood who can jumpstart your career.
Only ONE person needs to like your idea or script, find them here. Check out our track record and look at our dozens of success stories and testimonials.
This is your opportunity to sell and pitch your script to some of the big names in Hollywood. Once a year, Sherwood Oaks, aka, MeetHollywoodExecs, provides opportunities to pitch your screenplay to the largest quality one-on-one film pitching available for this price range.
Our pitching companies ranked us as the highest quality non-full time film pitching seminar.
Sell to Hollyood producers, actor-companies, directors-companies, agents, and managers.
Spend time getting feedback and learning to pitch before you sell [option] your big screenplay. This special day is jam-packed with micro-meetings with numerous high level producers and Hollywood exces in which students are given up to 3 minutes to pitch their scripts to almost every guest, followed by up to 3 minutes of highly valuable feedback – something you’re not likely to get from other pitch fests! We provide a higher level of produer where recognize the value of your time.
This one-on-one pitching sold out in October 2011, do NOT miss out.
One on one pitching ...
This is for people who are interested in selling their script and meeting the greatest number of Hollywood professionals in one day. You get 2 minutes to pitch then 2 minutes of feedback then you move onto the next table. Usually 4 minutes of pitching and then a 4-minute break. In our last pitch fest, each person pitched to at least 20 companies including some of the biggest names in the business. Often times this can be enlarged to 6 to 8 minutes depending on the number of students and the length of time the company or individual is available (minimum 4 hours).
Compared to other pitching events
Most pitching events have 200 to 600 people. In this event we are limited to 70 students so the numbers are reasonable. We also guarantee a higher caliber of guest than at most pitch fests.
Although many “pitch fests” claim to offer the same experience, the truth of the matter is that the typical pitch fest will accept any representative from a production company – often a receptionist, who cannot offer the same caliber of feedback that the decision-makers themselves can. Sherwood Oaks only invites seasoned Producers and industry professionals who will provide useful feedback on improving your pitch.
We cannot guarantee the companies that you can pitch to but we do promise one of the best ratios and the greatest number of high level producers in any pitch event.
The following guests are invited:
- Benderspink
- Morgan Freeman’s company
- Will Smith’s company
- Sunset Pictures (Raging Bull II)
- Tapestry Films (Old Dogs)
- Alcon Productions (Blindside)
- Tom Klassen
- Barry Perelman
- Todd Garner (Zoolander)
- Zero Gravity
- Larry Mark (Dreamgirls, Julie Julia)
- The Gold Company
- Harry Gittes Company (Chinatown, About Schmidt)
- Gold Circle (Life as We Know It)
- Greenhat Productions
- Howard Rosenman
- Carol Baum
- Madhouse
- Bo Zenga (Tourista, Scary Movie)
- Reinfield Productions (Gremlins)
- Joel Rice Productions
- Richard Donner Productions
- After Dark – horror
- Fun Little Movies
- The Warden Group
- Susan Johnston
- JarBlum Entertainment
- Suzanne Lyons
- Sheree Guitar
- Paul Levine
- Lloyd Robinson
- Zac Sanford
- Bonny Dore
- Rhonda Bloom
- Numenorean Films
- Misher Film (Scorpion King)
- Mandaly/Vision
- Mark Castaldo (Destiny Productions)
- Gwen Field
- Seth Jarret
- Category 5/Kelsey Grammar’s Company (Hitch)
- Megnet
- Ellen Sandler (TV)
- Anthem Entertainment
- Walt Becker
- Fortress Entertainment
- Irish Dreamtime
and over 30 more ….
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Time: 9 – 5 pm
Location: Beverly Hills
Registration: $295
Early Bird Registration: $199 (only available if you sign up for Friday, Aug 17, 2012 class)
$299 for August 17 (Seminar) & August 18 (One on One Pitching)
Seize your opportunity to create strong Hollywood relationships now!
FIND OUT MORE on a FREE CONFERENCE CALL and get pitching feedback
When: Thursday, August 9, 2012
Time: 6:30 PM PST/ 8:30 PM CST/ 9:30 PM EST
Phone: 712-432-0075
Code: please email sherwoodoakscollege@gmail.com
No site registration is available due to providing students are 2:1 ratio (best in the industy). Please bring your receipt or canceled check, if your name is not on the registration list (you did not receive an email with the agenda) and don’t have a receipt then we will have to charge you $295.
We will send out the agenda by August 15th, if you do not receive it and you have paid, please email your canceled check or paypal receipt to sherwoodoakscollege@gmail.com and will send you one.
TESTIMONIAL on PITCHING – see dozens more of these under Success Stories
Please read a review from our sold-out August 2011 Pitching Class …
“I went to the August 23 -25, 2011 Pitching Class/ Session. Within 5 seconds of opening my mouth, Gary shut me down, said it could be better and taught me the RIGHT WAY to pitch to big executives. He did the same thing to everyone. HE’S A GENIUS.
Once we had the skills we needed, the actual Sessions started. For the next 7 hours, we pitched our screenplays to one executive after another. THREE of them are reading my screenplay RIGHT NOW!! Of course they don’t accept the scripts there at the session. WOULD YOU CARRY THEM AROUND???
There is nothing that compares to what Gary and Christine do. You’ll network with stars and execs, you couldn’t meet on your own in 10 years, MAYBE IN YOUR LIFETIME!
If you’re trying to break in to Hollywood, check their website regularly for classes and events.
Gary knows and is known by the BIGGEST NAMES IN HOLLYWOOD. His brother did Alien, Minority Reports and many more. AND they’re the coolest, most down to earth people you could ever meet. WE HAD A GREAT TIME, GOT OUR WORK MOVING FORWARD AND MADE SUPER COOL, SUPER TALENTED NEW FRIENDS.”
Mark, writer who drove from San Diego to be here
Students can only pitch one logline or script per pitch to a guest. You may switch to another script for the next guest.
Scripts are to copyrighted.
Please bring at least 25 one sheets, please see our detailed description under the resource tab.